I feel since I have some Irish in my blood I should like Saint Patrick's Day, but I don't. There. I said it! However, I love Spring and it's coming. I feel it. We were driving to school this morning talking about how it's really strange to see grass. Not just a small patch, but a whole lawn. And the rivers and lakes are thawing! It feels like a miracle.
Also a few missing details about yesterday's "crazy lady" story. A few things that threw us off. 1.) She was dressed nicely in a beautiful purple trench coat and khakis. However, the second she started talking you could see some disturbing looking teeth. 2.)There were a few African American's sitting near by during her rant. (Also you should read Jenny's comment from that post. She explains what was going on during my memory lapse.)

It's true. I look at him and I go weak in the knees.

Even if I don't like the holiday that much...
Thanks for sharing your pictures! They're always so beautiful!!
Love the pics!
And I love this day because it is my anniversary :)
So, think of it like that.....
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