We couldn't be more elated that Olive made her appearance almost one week ago. She is perfect in every way and has brought warm fuzzy feelings into our home. I won't share too much of our birth story just because some things should be kept sacred and birth is a very sacred experience (at least to us).
Last Wednesday after visiting my midwife and finding out I was already 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced, I knew the time for her to make her arrival was now! We bought into the old wives tale of eating eggplant parmesan for dinner and thankfully my sister is a massage therapist and worked on some reflexology pressure points too. I swear the second I stood from the dinner table my contractions were different and within an hour my contractions were consistently 8 minutes apart. We asked our good friend "the Other Megan" to be our doula and I'm so thankful we did. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have believed I was actually in labor. Although I know what the movies portray is very unrealistic, I still expected it to be more dramatic. Having both Megan and Cony with me the entire time helped keep my head in the game. Because let me tell you something... giving birth is all mental. Oh sure, there are some physical efforts involved, but it's definitely a mind over matter experience. Which is why I did not put any expectations on birth. I had my birth plan typed up and knew exactly what I wanted, but put it in the Lord's hands because I knew anything could go against it. I actually called it my "birth hope".
After arriving at the hospital around 6:00 in the morning, I had to work on getting her engaged because she was still 'blabbable' ((?) which means when her head was touched she would bounce back up). My exercise ball was my other best friend during labor and helped get things going and ease the pain. By almost noon, my midwife suggested we break my water and she informed me baby was sunny side up. Up to this point, labor was not easy but easy compared to the second my water broke. The other best friend during labor was the water. I'm convinced it was my time in the shower that allowed little baby to twist her body because she came out the correct way. By 2:00, I was ready to push and be in the birthing tub. Yes! I had a water-birth. The reactions people gave us when we would tell them the plan was just as entertaining when we told them her name would be Olive. I knew a long time ago a water-birth was for me. It's not for everyone, but it was exactly what my body needed to birth a 10 pound baby with my big round head. After 40 minutes of pushing, Olive was in my arms. Everyone's reaction was "Oh my word that's a huge baby!!". I was too out of it to give it much thought until they told us how much she weighed. Now we know why I was so uncomfortable the last few weeks!
Words come up empty to describe how thankful we are that we got our dream birth but more importantly this little human to call our own. Miracles happen and they happen after a lot of sweat and tears. If you're reading this and are struggling with infertility or something else, please don't give up! There is a plan and it's going to be beautifully perfect for you!

She looks so gorgeous and peaceful. Gage was 10 lbs 4 oz when born and I totally felt like I gave birth to a 3 month old baby. But I'm convinced it helped him be a more calm baby (good sleeper) so hopefully that is your experience too! So happy for you. And I completely agree with your statement of don't give up! There is always a way :) and grateful for adoption and fertility specialists. Each baby is a miracle!
LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS! She is begging for a kiss from her Auntie Cortnie ;-) She is adorable ... loved reading this post. Way to go Megan ... love you heaps!
I'm so excited for you guys! Both of my kids were born by water birth so I get really excited when I hear that someone else had one. I'm glad it worked out for you. Way to go! You're a strong woman! Congrats to you and Cony!
Oh man I love her!
Beautiful story. Congratulations to the bigger and better (because Olive is now in your arms) to the Metcalf Crew, Megan, Cony, M3 & Olive!
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