Cony's first day of Graduate School started today and I might be more excited than he is! He had a meeting with his department the other day and he was informed he was 1 of 2 students ever to be accepted straight into the PhD program without a Master's degree. We aren't sure if it was his smarts that made it happen or the schools budget cuts. We don't really care, we're just happy it happened.
Also there is a member of the church in his program that was in my parents ward in Commerce(for all you "non-Mormon" folk, he was just in the same congregation). But any connection to Georgia works for me!

* Also I started my new job today as a tutor for an adorable 8 year old girl who has down syndrome. I'm really excited about this, because with every job I've had working with kids has taught me so much about myself. I'm looking forward to learning and growing with this experience.
I'm just really sad that our 2 month vacation has come to an end. We've had the time of our marriage this summer and I believe this is the first summer I haven't want to see go....
I just want to say how totally adorable Cony looks on his first day of school. I'm disappointed you don't have a picture of him actually getting on the little yellow school bus.
Yay...I am so glad things are coming together up there. BUT, this photo made me a little teary because I miss you two so terribly. PLEASE keep us posted on the new job. You, sweet MM, were meant to work with children. You are brilliant in that way. Never sell yourself short. Give Cony a hug from us and tell him we are so proud.
WHOA! Get your motors running, head out on the highway, looking for adventure, or whatever comes my way...born to be wild! hahahaha, that is what song came to my head when I read all your updates. Going up North! Doing grad school! NO jobs! The pics are awesome of the area up there. I can't wait to follow your journey. I am glad you decided to update! :) I just love you. ooh, hockey is big up there, fun!
You know i love you and your posts, but i think what totally made this one for me was that when my mouse stopped over the pictures it says "grad pic by mrs cony" .. you my adorable friend are simple A-DORABLE!!!
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