Our baby girl is 2 months old and I still can't believe how lucky we are to have her in our family.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I'm realizing more and more each day that Little Miss is literally growing right before our eyes. The last few nights she's been sleeping from 9:30 to 4:30 and after she woke up this morning she rolled over for the first time, which seems a little early to me. Also, before I could get a bottle in her mouth this morning she found her thumb and it was the most endearing thing my eyes have ever seen. I was a thumb sucker for a very long time and although I won't disclose for how long, I couldn't help but be happy she will more than likely be a thumb sucker too. I wasn't expecting such milestones to occur so early and it makes me a little sad because it means with each new day she won't be a baby for long. BUT I'm thrilled we get the opportunity to experience more milestones with our little rockstar.
Her eyelashes are really coming in beautifully and I'm totally jealous.
Posted by
M Crew
12:46 PM
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sunday Sledding
This past Saturday we enjoyed a day of snowfall that was magical to watch come down. It was a great excuse to stay inside and be cozy with one another, dog included because she makes a great furnace. Although it was perfect snow to go skiing we jumped on the chance to get our sleds out. I was reminded how much I do love snow and probably feel this way because this year we aren't buried under 10 feet of it. Regardless, we love the excuse to feel like kids again.
Posted by
M Crew
12:29 PM
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Parenthood is awesome. I've been hesitant to share how happy and lucky we feel because I know how beyond annoying some new parents can be. But here's the reality... I've decided I can't care what other people think because I have to document my babies life and our growth as a family.
Posted by
M Crew
10:24 PM
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Being away from home was a little rough on Gracie but now that we've been home for a few weeks, she's finally adjusting to our new family. In fact, so well our little girls are now best friends.
Posted by
M Crew
8:07 PM
Vermont Day Trip
While mama was here we decided to take a day trip to visit the Joseph Smith Birthplace and it was beautiful, even without leaves on the trees or much snow. It was an uplifting experience we are glad we made the drive for...
A painting of Joseph and Emma after they adopted twins after loosing their own twins. I have a new found appreciation for this painting.
can you see us?
I'm obsessed with gingham.
Pillows my mama made for me out of fabric napkins I purchased last year for under a $1 each. I'm obsessed with these too.

Posted by
M Crew
7:57 PM