I'm calling the troops in because we need help! We thought we had agreed on a name that was perfect and adorable. However, we both agree (shocker!) that Georgia Peaches just isn't running off the tongue like it should for a dog. Maybe it had to do with the fact, I was calling her Peaches and Cony was calling her Georgia. He refuses to call her Peaches, because it reminds him of clients he used to have while working at Allstate in downtown Atlanta (and that's all I can say about it).
Here are some other options we've come up with:
Star; short for Starboard; and when we get a second dog, we'll name him/her Port.
Abby; short for Abigail; a true English name.
This poor thing needs a name and if you feel like sharing a name... we're all ears! Shoot... I might even send you a little surprise if we use the name you give us. We've had our unborn children's names picked for years and we can't decide or agree on a name for a dog. What's wrong with this picture?
On another note, I've signed up for a free online photography challenge/course for the month of February (thank you Clairissa). If you are interested... go sign up here! I'll be sharing my journey on a daily basis and would love to keep up with yours.

Joey answers to about 6 other names in addition to his 'official' one, so I think having a few options will work! :) How about something to commemorate your stay at UCONN and CT?
Hey Meg ... you guys got a dog ?? Fun ... ummmmm about the name .... GA Peaches is cute ... esp because it is home ... but if it isn't rollin' well ... what about just Peaches? I like Abby ... if our Toby was a girl we were going to name her Abbie (with the "ie" like Cortnie and Zoie !) Star is cute too. A few of my friends have dogs and here are their names - Oakley - Bailey - Lucy - and Tessa. I don't know if that helps ... but I just wanted to respond to your cry !! Love you !! Good luck.
Ok ... I am a geek and just reread your post about Cony not liking Peaches ... and him calling her GA ... (guess I skipped that whole paragraph !~ haha) So cross out what I said about just PEaches !
Ok, I love thinking of names. You might hate all of them, but I like the following for and English Bulldog:
Regina and call her Reggie
Molly is always a good dog name
Myrtle...cuz that name makes me happy
Ruth-meaning is 'friend to all', which seems appropriate for a dog
Bertha or Estella (Stella)-old English names
Bianca-means white
Delilah-and if you get a another dog call him Samson
Fannie-weird, but I love it for a dog
Fiona-Means pretty
Guinevere-call her Gwen and the next dog Lancalot or Arthur
Maybe a good Shakesphere name like Portia, Ophelia, Beatrice, Cordelia, Desdemona (dezzie) Rosalind (Rose) Viola, etc
Harriet-Mistress of the home
Hart ... like Heart but short for Hartford. (Also, the other ideas I had were boys names ... like Nautilus b/c of the 1st nuclear submarine that's up there and also Webster since that's where the guy who wrote the dictionary was born).
PS. I'm totally signing up for that free class!!
How about Scuttlebutt? Call her Scuttle? I mean, we have been talking about her a lot lately!
Then when you get a boy dog you can name him Cracker Jack!
Is there some off-the-beaten-path name or thing that y'all love? For example, My mom has a cat named Pineapple (I may or may not have named her). Loretta and I have a Tillman and an Olivia (both cats); Loretta went to Clemson, so, Tillman is in honor of Tillman Hall.
What's the name of the street on which the Temple sits where y'all were married? Or technically, didn't y'all meet rowing on Azalea? Or you're into design, is there a paint color with an awesome name? Or some quaint New England town that y'all explored??
I like those kind of names...
Good luck! and she's too cute for words...
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