As I sit here I question whether or not it was a good idea to share our personal struggle so publicly. The month of November has been very adventurous and I wanted to document it, but I can't seem to find it in me. The last few weeks I've had a black hole in my heart and I've done nothing to get rid of it. In fact, I've welcomed it with open arms. I have shut out anything inspirational and ignored my testimony. A few days ago I slowly started to realize that I was not going to get anywhere with this type of attitude but it wasn't until yesterday that I sincerely got on my knees and asked for help. I've been in circumstances in my life that have caused me to have these same feelings and as soon as I ask for help, I know that Heavenly Father comes running. However, I was reminded that satan works just as hard to keep me down. It's not just a tug-a-war... it's a war.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Let's be frank.
Posted by
M Crew
9:32 PM
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
It's official.
We are Connecticutians. At least that's what our car and driver's license now tell us. It was kinda a sad to let go of my GA license. But we are growing where we've been planted, and so far it's been an amazing adventure.
Connecticut is known as the "Constitution State". While the origin on this title is uncertain, the nickname is assumed to refer to the Fundamental Orders of 1638–39. These Fundamental Orders represent the framework for the first formal government written by a representative body in Connecticut. The government has operated under the direction of four separate documents in the course of Connecticut Constitutional History. After the Fundamental Orders, Connecticut was granted governmental authority by King Charles II of England through the Connecticut Charter of 1662. While these two documents acted to lay the groundwork for the state’s government, either document could be altered simply by a majority vote of the General Assembly.[citation needed]
Separate branches of government did not exist during this period, and the General Assembly acted as the supreme authority. A constitution similar to the modern U.S. Constitution was not adopted in Connecticut until 1818. Finally, the current state constitution was implemented in 1965. The 1965 constitution absorbed a majority of its 1818 predecessor, but incorporated a handful of important modifications. Another possible source of the nickname "constitution state" comes from Connecticut's pivotal role in the federal constitutional convention of 1787, during which Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth helped to orchestrate what became known as the Connecticut Compromise, or the Great Compromise. This plan combined the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan to form a bicameral legislature, a form copied by almost every state constitution since the adoption of the federal constitution
Posted by
M Crew
8:40 AM
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I think it's going to rain today..
My emotions are overflowing at the moment. A side from my bad writing skills, writing things down is always therapeutic for various reasons. I always need Cony to give me 30 minutes so I can gather my thoughts, if that still doesn't work, I turn to writing. This is one of those moments where my vocal chords can't seem to find the words I need to say.
Posted by
M Crew
6:51 PM
Monday, November 15, 2010
Planes, trains and automobiles
We've been traveling a lot and finally made our way home last night after attending Cony's grandmother's funeral in Louisiana. I flew into Dallas from Atlanta and met up with Cony before making the 4 hour drive to Plain Dealings, LA. I love the South and I particularly love old, small southern towns. We definitely got our fixing of the accent and really enjoyed our time with family. We both know that death is part of the plan and although death can/is difficult, I couldn't help but be grateful for death this weekend, sounds morbid-I know but let me explain.. Cony's parents haven't always liked me. In fact, according to them I was the devil. I'm not exaggerating. It was a very bad time. It wasn't until my own father passed and we attended Cony's step-mothers grandmothers funeral that doors were opened and they now love me. Every time we get together (which seems to be at funerals) it feels more like home. Cony even shared with his parents that we are trying to have a baby and they didn't flip! Although I had been in Atlanta all week away from my man, we found ourselves not wanting to leave...
Posted by
M Crew
3:35 PM
Monday, November 8, 2010
Cony's on my mind...
As I sit here next to the BFF and my sister in the middle of nowhere Georgia, I realize how lucky I am that Georgia still feels like home. It was 70 degrees today, while in Connecticut I missed the first snow fall this morning. Of course it would be much better if my man was with me, but I have people here that love me so it doesn't feel so bad.

Posted by
M Crew
10:35 PM
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Past the point of no return...
Posted by
M Crew
7:23 PM