The last two nights MMM has slept twelve + hours each night. She's a great sleeper but won't usually sleep past her 6:45 am wake up call. When I picked her up yesterday out of the crib she really was bigger than she was the night before. I was shocked. She spent some time with me in the office yesterday morning and loved every second. She would wonder into one co-workers office for about 45 seconds and move on to the next office. She kept herself busy doing that most of the morning. Thankfully I have amazing co-workers who didn't mind and loved having her with us.
It's so easy to forget how smart babies are because she is constantly amazing me and the things she does. Cony fixed her some boiled eggs yesterday and she decided she didn't like them after two small bites and just threw them on the floor for Gracie to eat. Now that the bottom shelf of her armoire is empty she is always in there with a book or some sort of stuffed animal. She gets out by either going head first or holding on to the shelf above and placing both feet on the floor.
Cony was talking to his Nana the other night and I overheard him say "I didn't know babies could be so much fun!". It's true. I love watching their relationship and how much he adores being her father. He's working really hard on making her a daddy's girl. I feel truly blessed he loves this role as much as I do.
I didn't realize I looked so awful when Cony does something to annoy me. I should probably work on that.... 

I absolutely love how happy MMM looks when the leaves are thrown up in the air. So stinkin' adorable@ And your face cracks me up in that last picture. I probably look the exact same way (if not worse) when I'm annoyed :)
That is so funny. I love that it is on camera. Crazy how fast a year flys by isn't it. Your baby is so blessed to have you guys, and ya'll her :) can't wait to meet her one day.
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