There's a first time for everything and we've had a lot of first in just the past week...
First time without family at Christmas.
First blizzard-which are called 'Nor'asters' in New England.(I've been in a few blizzards but I've just learned this was Cony's first- it's like he grew up in Mississippi or something...).
Not only did Cony get to go caroling for the first time over the weekend, but he was also able to go sledding! It may be have a bunny hill but it was still a blast! Clearly my poor husband had a deprived childhood and we have a lot of catching up to do.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Cony's first..
Posted by
M Crew
7:31 PM
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Our First New England Christmas

Posted by
M Crew
5:34 PM
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Big Plans, Big Plans I say!
Luck would have it, that we stumbled upon this children's book called 'Big Plans'. It was on sale at the campus bookstore and we are in love with it. So much so, we went back and got all the copies they had. We've been trying to decide who to give them to as gifts for 2 days and the jury's still out.
Posted by
M Crew
5:46 PM
Friday, December 17, 2010
better than you know..
This week we celebrated 3 years of marriage! We have our certain traditions that we like to do... like, watch 'Love Actually' and buying a Christmas ornament. We've been trying to figure out another meaningful tradition besides attending the temple and I finally found it. I was in Anthro doing a little Christmas shopping (in the sale department) and found this plate.
Posted by
M Crew
6:37 PM
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Accusations and Memories
Working retail has it's rewards but it definitely has it's draw backs. One of those draw backs being rude customers. There was a customer in the store yesterday looking for Hanukkah napkin rings and my co-worker asked how to spell Hanukkah and I proceeded to tell her. For some reason I but a U at the end without thinking and this customer got so upset she had to walk away. And when she came back to the counter she proceeds to tell us how upset she is that we don't know anything about Hanukkah and know everything about Christmas. (She was not saying this politely or nicely, to describe her as rude is a true understatement.) I quickly shot back and said "Actually I know a lot about Hanukkah..". I only got a really disgusted look from her and a lecture about putting a U at the end would it HanukkU. Well, I know how to spell it and she has NO idea that some of my favorite families that I hold dear to my heart are Jewish and I've had the opportunity to celebrate Hanukkah with them, nor (and most importantly) does she know what Christmas means to me.
Posted by
M Crew
7:46 PM
Friday, December 3, 2010
random happiness.
Our tree is up and almost everything is in it's place. As I look at our tree, I'm not in love with it like I used to be.. but I am in love with some other randomness going on in our home.
Posted by
M Crew
11:05 AM