Monday, August 15, 2011

70th Anniversary, it's kinda a big deal

This past weekend, my grandparents celebrated 70 years of marriage. How many people do you know that have been married that long?? I truly wish we could have been there with them but we were busy helping with another wedding. And I don't mean with photography either. Instead I had an awesome opportunity to style a wedding and I'm thrilled with the results. Will share soon!     

Can I get a cheers to love!!? 

Here are my grandparents and all their children minus Anne who passed 2 1/2 years ago. They are a wonderful example in so many ways and honored to call them family. (thanks to FB, I'm able to share this photo!)



  1. yeah getting everyone to look at the camera saturday was a work in itself I could not get all of them to look at me at one time. hope you are well

  2. Yes, amazing! I will never be able to say that unless I live to be 110 and he lives to be 119! Haa. Ah well. Wish I could have been there, but will have to take a different trip to see them.

    Great photo Alisha...and Megan's leaf too! (-;

  3. Did your grandparents live in Burley 10th ward about 20 years ago? Someone must have posted a link on FB to your blog and I have enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing your life. You've touched mine.
