Friday, August 5, 2011

Going quickly

Am I the only one about to have a panic attack thinking about how soon summer is ending?? Thankfully we have a little get away planned so we can feel we enjoyed our summer. For once in my life, I'm dreading for Fall to come...because it means Winter is close behind. Until those days come, I'm enjoying beautiful days like this one...

We were dumb enough to think Gracie was ready to be left out of her crate during the day. She was fine when we had our friends drop by and let her out, but she took advantage of her freedom and ruined our new rug. Not that big of a deal but still a bummer. She's too cute to be mad at for long.  

In our attempt to gain balance in our life, we clean the house together on Thursday nights. That way it doesn't have to be done on the weekends. Cony always knows how to make cleaning fun. We were listening to our wedding music on the iPad and a Johnny Cash song came on but it was my dad singing. I was trying not to be thrown off and Cony calls me into the living room with urgency. He grabs me and pulls me into his arms and we start dancing to my dads voice. (He knows how to melt my butter.) It's moments like that you don't want to forget. 


  1. choke me up!!! beautiful - can you put that song up on your blog?

  2. I really, really want a CD a your wedding music. Can you please make me one? Love, your other mother

    PS - I am emailing you a great receipe

  3. Cuteness all over the place !! Nice one Cony !!

  4. The picture of the grass is AMAZING! I may print and frame it, if you don't mind! We need more artwork in our new house!!

    Gracie is *precious*!
