Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our 5 hour Maine vacation

I honestly can't believe it's the end of August and for the last three days it's straight up felt like Fall. This past weekend we went on a mini vacation to Maine. It was supposed to be for a few days but ended up being only five hours long and more like a "staycation".  

Highlights and/or Lowlights of "Staycation 2011":

*Maine is beautiful! 
*Orchard Beach is an actual beach, with nice (not rocky) sand! 
*Ocean water was freezing and it took us 15 minutes to finally take the dive. Apparently the water was "like a bath" warm to the natives. It hadn't been that warm in years.
*Had an awesome lobster dinner at the Lobster Shack with blueberry and whoopie pies included. The atmosphere was topnotch. 
*Cony got camera happy and took some really cool photos! 
*Spent an hour in Walgreen's parking lot trying to find a hotel.
*Finally booked a room.
*Got to hotel, only to find out they booked for Sunday night instead. 
*Hotel did not have any rooms on Saturday. 
*We drove home in the middle of the night. 
*Hotel is still fighting us on giving our money back. Will never book with again. 
*Went to the Connecticut coast the next day and had a picnic with Gracie.
*We ate lots of great food. You know, the stuff you allow yourself to eat while on vacation. 
*Went running a few times. 
*Watched a few movies: Conspirator (GREAT movie!), Soul Surfer and Limitless (which should have been rated R).  
*Ran into friends at the Dairy Bar. 
*Gracie got sick. (and is NOT fun to clean up after)
*We determined Gracie is a cow. She eats grass and sticks. 
*Got to check some things off our "to-do" list.
*We got to sleep in every morning. 
*Decided I don't want to go back to work. But here I sit. 
*All in all, we had an awesome "just us" weekend. 


















  1. Looks like you ended up with a full, fun vacation. Too bad about the hotel mixup!

    Niels and I once went to northern cali for a vacation.... we were the only ones getting into the water. Even the natives knew it was too cold. But we were desperate to be in the ocean.

    Hope you guys are doing well. Saw your cute momma the other week.

  2. Great photos and looks like fun. Plus, staycations aren't too bad at times, aye?

  3. You guys are seriously adorable. Your love for each other is so sweet and inspiring!

  4. You little family is simply adorable! I LOVE it!!

  5. wow it is so beautiful over there. I love hearing about your adventures and all the fun you guys have... glad you guys survived the storm... and helped others out as well!

  6. Love all the pics ... esp the one of you with your head back laughing !! That is the Meg I have stored in memory !! Love you !!
