Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Big Pleasure! Big Pleasure!

There's this awesome little Greek restaurant (if you can even call it a restaurant) on campus that is fabulous. The owner, cook, and cashier is one man and he speaks very little English. He's cute as a button and only knows how to ask for your order and say "you welcome, big pleasure!". He doesn't just say it once either. It got me thinking of all the big pleasures I have in my life.

I feel it would be a little cliche if I started by telling you about our great Father's Day so I'll begin by telling you about this awesome 5k run we did in Boston on Saturday morning. It's called the Freedom Trail Run and it's an easy run around the major land marks on the Freedom Trail and we stop every quarter mile or so, and Eddie-O shares with us interesting facts. It's by far the best $35 we've spent (in a long time) and THE best way to tour a city. I mean honestly... seeing the city first-hand, learning and exercising all at the same time = pure genius.

Father's Day was warm, sunny and beautiful. It's beyond my comprehension that it's the end of June because in the mornings I'm still wearing a little jacket and turning the heat on in the car. Seriously. Beyond my comprehension. However, we spent a beautiful afternoon together just relaxing, walking our dogchild and paying bills. Doesn't get much better than that my friends.



Gracie loves to sit on people's feet. She can find them without even looking. Just plops her little tooch down wherever she feels inclined.

I found this chick on etsy that does custom portraits for a reasonable price and thought it would make a perfect Father's Day gift. I highly recommend AshMae. She was easy to work with...and I love her whimsical (non traditional) art pieces.

I loved what she did so much I ordered an iPad sticker while they were on sale at One Kings Lane. Cony got a kick out of em'.

And finally I thought I'd share my favorite part of our new pad. The pantry/laundry room. I'm not sure what I love more about it- the built in shelves, the window or the fact that we can have a washer/dryer under our own roof again. Big pleasure!



  1. It sounds like you guys are having such amazing adventures! Love the first picture of Gracie and really love the Etsy purchase! I'll have to look her up.

  2. Cute. Everything. Love the laundry room/pantry. Very well organized, my dear!

  3. 1. Love the pantry (which I can't type and I ALWAYS type panty first). Super jealous.
    2. That family picture is really cute.
    3. Get any pictures from the 5k?

  4. your little pad looks adorable! and looks as if it has lots of character :)

  5. that is your pantry laundry room... I am clearly living in the wrong state... that is awesome.. I have never seen such a huge space ever! Reserved for a pantry those cupboards are awesome!

  6. I finally caught up on all the wonderful things you've been up to. A couple things -- you are so lucky to live in such a great area. So much beauty and so much to do! Texas has nothing cool like that. OH ya, and your weather is better, too. Next -- you've lost weight. I can tell and you look fantastic! And third -- are you kidding me with that laundry room? DREAM!! It's gorgeous and lovely in so many ways. Please post more of your pad. Pretty please?? xoxo
