Friday, July 1, 2011

One Down.

Today marks our one year in Connecticut. It's hard to believe. As much as I miss home, we adore our CT family. We're celebrating today by picking our real family up at the airport and spending a week rejuvenating together. I'm thrilled. 

photos below are from the Freedom Trail Run I told y'all about... 

This is the narrowest home in the city. Only 10 feet wide. Apparently the owner is renting it out on a week by week basis too.  

Did I mention we did this run right before the huge parade for the Bruins? If you live under a rock and didn't know the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup, now you do. And I have to say... it was one of the coolest mad house experiences ever. 

Until next time.... HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have an amazing time with your family :) happy early 4th!
