Monday, June 13, 2011

Disconnect to Reconnect

This weekend we made a plan to disconnect from the world as much as possible to reconnect. I tell ya, a marriage is hard work. And if we aren't constantly working at it-life ain't so happy.

We spent the weekend going to a baby shower....

Going to the drive-in theater... We watched the X-Men movie and loved it. In fact, we spent most of Sunday ignoring all the housework and watching the other X-Men movies. Just finished the third one for Family Home Evening.

We even let Gracie Lou cuddle with us in our bed. She loves changing bed sheets day.

Here's the only piece of art I've hung in the house..... found the frame for $6 at an antique store. Have I mentioned how awesome antique stores are up here? Tag sales too!

This cow took a liking to me while on my walk around campus.

And this is a sunset I was able to enjoy on a run the other night. I have to admit, this little rink-a-dink town we live in has some of the best sunsets I've seen.

1 comment:

  1. I still giggle when I read this school has cows on property....
