Friday, December 3, 2010

random happiness.

Our tree is up and almost everything is in it's place. As I look at our tree, I'm not in love with it like I used to be.. but I am in love with some other randomness going on in our home.

Bought this popping corn for $1 a few weeks ago when we went apple pickin' and finally put it to the test last night. They said to put it directly in the microwave.

And it tasted pretty darn good...(yes, our microwave was clean!)

Finally got to unpack from our trip on Wednesday and this is what I found in one of the pockets. The kids couldn't find this movie anywhere last week. I sent this picture to Rachel (SIL) and she showed it to Mason (the youngest) and his response: "That was my suitcase, I didn't realize it went bye bye with Megan and Cony!!". As for the cars, "I put the cars in there because I knew they'd be safe". I love that kid!

Cony's parents gave us this banner when we were in Louisiana. His grandfather had gotten it when they took a trip to Maine for a high school reunion at Cony High. I love the story behind it...

They were at a local bar near the high school and they offered to pay the owner to take it home. He said 'no, you can get one at the school.' But they had changed the color red and they wanted this one, with the original red. Both my Cony's dad and grandfather were there and proceeded to tell the bartender that their names were Cony and he didn't believe them. They both showed their driver's license and he gave it to them for free.

Thanks to my Cony for adding the random finger and letting me capture it.

The snowman was our very first Christmas decoration we bought together on our honeymoon. We love him. Also featured is the very first movie we watched together in a theatre that I found for $3 at Target on Black Friday.

My poor fat, stumpy feet. Emily and I went and pampered ourselves with a pedicure last week... and just thinking of it makes me happy.

The first ornament I bought after we were married... to commemorate the year in which we got married. 2007.

Our favorite thing to do during Christmas is taking turns playing Elf on the Shelf. I was working out last night and looked up and was surprised to found our little Elf somewhere else... it puts a huge smile on my face that Cony gets into just as much as I do.


  1. You two are way cute! My favorite is moving around the elf...true love is so simple.

  2. I love the corn! And I love random happiness :)

  3. I agree ... so cute ! I love the elf idea ... I might have to try that one out on Mikey. Wish we were closer. Miss you Meggy !

  4. Megan,
    Everything sounds good! As much as I don't like popcorn, that actually looks yummy! And The Holiday is one of my all time favorite movies!!
