Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Let's be frank.

As I sit here I question whether or not it was a good idea to share our personal struggle so publicly. The month of November has been very adventurous and I wanted to document it, but I can't seem to find it in me. The last few weeks I've had a black hole in my heart and I've done nothing to get rid of it. In fact, I've welcomed it with open arms. I have shut out anything inspirational and ignored my testimony. A few days ago I slowly started to realize that I was not going to get anywhere with this type of attitude but it wasn't until yesterday that I sincerely got on my knees and asked for help. I've been in circumstances in my life that have caused me to have these same feelings and as soon as I ask for help, I know that Heavenly Father comes running. However, I was reminded that satan works just as hard to keep me down. It's not just a tug-a-war... it's a war.

I wanted to write down my testimony not only so I could remember it, but so it will strengthen. Because a testimony is like teaching a subject... you know the subject better when you share it. I'm not sure what the plan is for us, but I know there is a plan... and it's a perfect plan. I know Heavenly Father knows me and knows the struggles and temptations that haunt us. He knows our desires and wants us to be happy! I know that because of Heavenly Fathers love, our love for each other is stronger and helps us war off those same temptations that can blind us.

We can overcome this.. because we have something special that is worth fighting and winning the good fight.



  1. You guys are in my prayers. Love the picture!

  2. Thanks for sharing! Sometimes hearing these stories makes it easier to ask for help.

  3. Precious. Love your testimony - you are amazing. Love you chicka!
