Sunday, December 12, 2010

Accusations and Memories

Working retail has it's rewards but it definitely has it's draw backs. One of those draw backs being rude customers. There was a customer in the store yesterday looking for Hanukkah napkin rings and my co-worker asked how to spell Hanukkah and I proceeded to tell her. For some reason I but a U at the end without thinking and this customer got so upset she had to walk away. And when she came back to the counter she proceeds to tell us how upset she is that we don't know anything about Hanukkah and know everything about Christmas. (She was not saying this politely or nicely, to describe her as rude is a true understatement.) I quickly shot back and said "Actually I know a lot about Hanukkah..". I only got a really disgusted look from her and a lecture about putting a U at the end would it HanukkU. Well, I know how to spell it and she has NO idea that some of my favorite families that I hold dear to my heart are Jewish and I've had the opportunity to celebrate Hanukkah with them, nor (and most importantly) does she know what Christmas means to me.

I had to take a 5 minute break in the stock room because my blood was boiling. My #1 pet peeve is someone telling ME what I don't know or do know, what I believe or don't believe. can. not. stand. it.. This experience really bothered me all day long. However, this morning as I was sitting in church I was filled with so much joy and contentment my heart (and eyes) were over flowing. I'm thankful for this customer because I've had the opportunity to sit back and remember what Christmas really does mean to me. It's not the presents, shopping or parties. It's the memories I have as a child with my family singing around the piano, or sitting under the tree just staring at the lights in amazement. Also listening to my dad and moms favorite Christmas songs ('Messiah' and the 'Alabama Christmas' CD) but most importantly remembering how important our Saviors birth was for all of us. I was able to remember that because of His birth we all can have a family and know that miracles do happen.

I had a wonderful childhood and so thankful I have those memories and thrilled I have someone I want to make new memories with.... our favorite being Elf on the Shelf.


On another note.. I spent the day with a friend from our ward making cheese and crafting. Sound like heaven to you? It was! I mean, how many women do you know that make their own cheese? All the farms and talented women are my favorite thing about living in New England. Fresh milk, eggs, meat and maple syrup are very accessible and it only fuels my juices to have land with a small farm one day.




The mozzarella didn't turn out because I stirred it too vigorously but we were able to salvage it to make... get this- bacon, apple, caramelized onion and blue cheese pizza. Yes, the dough was from scratch.

She introduced me to my new favorite food blog... and we were inspired to make these wreaths.



  1. Megan!! You are so cute and crafty! And I'm SO jealous about the cheese. I want to come visit!!

  2. that wreath is so so beautiful!!! i love it! Sorry about your rude customer. Unnecessary rudeness is the worst. Merry Christmas!

  3. You are just precious Meg ... I love reading your blog and updates! Have a Happy Christmas !!
