Friday, December 17, 2010

better than you know..

This week we celebrated 3 years of marriage! We have our certain traditions that we like to do... like, watch 'Love Actually' and buying a Christmas ornament. We've been trying to figure out another meaningful tradition besides attending the temple and I finally found it. I was in Anthro doing a little Christmas shopping (in the sale department) and found this plate.
If you didn't know already, Cony has a HUGE tattoo on his left shoulder of an octopus (don't judge, he was in the Navy). I figured we could find something each year, that represents us, for our home. Good idea uh?

Here are a few things I love about my man...

*He surprises me often by having the house clean or laundry done.

*While we are grocery shopping or at the laundry mat, he holds me and we break out in a little dance.

*Whenever we are watching a movie and the actors start kissing, he pauses the movie and we make out for a few seconds.

*He loves my family. At one time he was living with all 3 Tompkins women. NO easy feat.

*He loves the gospel.

*He's super smart and humble.

*He likes the way I smell.

*He likes the outdoors and working out with me.

*He's goofy. For example: He's been baking cookies all day for our weekend activities and he's at the counter shaking his booty while looking back at me to see if I'm looking. I know. You had to be here.

*When we fight/argue, we get over it within minutes and he doesn't hold things against me. At least most of the time.

*He wants babies with me.

*I love him even when he flies his toy helicopter above me and it lands in my hair.

I consider myself very lucky and blessed that I have nice things to say about my husband. Because there was a time in my life when I wasn't so lucky.



New England Clam Chowder rocks. We finally found a pizza place we like! It has won National awards for their Red Potato Pizza and Seafood Pizza. Come visit us, and we'll take you. Trust us, it's worth the trip.


And I'm pleased to show you my new treasure. My pouf bag that I thought was sold out everywhere in the US, but to my sweet surprise Cony tracked one down somewhere in Texas. Isn't it delightful??


  1. Happy blogs make me happy. Happy blogs by people I love make me even happier. Right now, I really happy - so thank you

  2. How cute! You guys are adorable! I also really love your pictures, hope you have a great Christmas!

  3. Happy anniversary to you !! We celebrate 8 yrs today !! Love this post ... I am so happy you and Cony have each other !!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. whenever I want to feel good, I read you! luv u mucho

  6. Sorry I accidentally posted twice = so that was me deleting !
