Sunday, October 31, 2010

Abide with us

Can someone please explain to me how it's already October 31st?? We've been busy living life and before we realized it, it's Halloween. I wish we had done costumes but some things you just have to let go. That was one of them. However, we were able to celebrate Cony's birthday! He had the coolest birthday this year. He turned 27 on the 27th of the 10th month of the 10th year. Did you get that? 27 on 10.27.10. I count my lucky stars everyday because I have Cony in my life. I can't imagine anyone else I'd want to spend my life journey with... it's such a wonderful, peaceful feeling to know that even when you get into little (or big) arguments he's going to stick by my side and can make a joke out of it 3 minutes later. Plus-he's easy on the eyes.

Made this banner and for those of you interested in a fun blog THIS is where I got the font.

Cony's favorite treat is Nestle chocolate chip cookies. Decided to just make one giant cookie. He loved it.

UCONN's campus is the coldest, most windiest spot in Connecticut. And the hightest spot in the state (at least this is what we've been told).


There are still many things we are adjusting to here in New England. Mostly the SLOW drivers! They are killing me. I drive 25 miles to work and it takes me 45 minutes because there are no freeways around and people drive 5 miles below the speed limit. On my way to Boston last week, the speed limit was 65 on a freeway and I set my cruise control to only 70 and I was passing everyone. Can anyone out there explain this to us as well???

The leaves are mostly gone now and the weather can't make up it's mind. It's really chilly then it's warm. I almost forgot this past week that we were in Connecticut because I was wearing shorts. They say it's very unusual this time of year to not have snow. We're in the process of getting prepared for when it shows up. Shovel and blanket in the trunk of our car. Stocking up like squirrels at Trader Joe's and trying to find a good pair of boots. I'm mostly excited for the snow so we can go sledding and skiing and possibly have a white Christmas. Wouldn't that be dreamy?


  1. Happy birthday Cony!

    Glad to hear everything is going well!!

  2. Happy birthday, Cony! Cookie cake? He's still just a kid ;)

  3. A white Christmas is wonderful - it is the 2 months of white before and after Christmas that suck.

    Under the speed limit? What kind of people are they????

  4. hey Cony and have the same bday, but sadly I am one year older:( Hope that he had a great bday!

  5. You are so cute Meg !! Happy belated to Cony and happy bday to YOU !! Love the pics - you are such a cute wifey !! I am so happy you have Cony too ... he is easy on the eyes !! LOL - Your lil' Edward !! Miss you.
