Thursday, November 4, 2010

Past the point of no return...

I've had that song in my head all day long. It's from Phantom of the Opera and you can imagine how beautiful I must sound trying to mimic Broadway stars. Since I can remember as a little girl my mom would play POTO music on the piano and we would stand there and sing (at least try to). Sitting there in the Majestic Theatre brought all those happy memories back and I couldn't help but cry. As long as I can remember I've wanted to go to Broadway and watch Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables. Yesterday that little dream came true. It took my breath away. Cony now loves Broadway and can't wait to go back. I call that a success ladies and gentlemen!

I turn 30 today. Yes, I said 30! We celebrated this momentous birthday by hopping on a train to NYC yesterday and it couldn't have been better. Except for the few times that we couldn't seem to communicate and got super frustrated with each other. I can't decide if communication is under rated or over rated...

this photo was appropriate for the moment..






if you look closely to the screen.. we are to the left and you can't miss my white jacket.

New York City Library is out of control - amazing.

We're ending the evening with breakfast burritos which have been a tradition for my birthday since... a long time.


  1. Glad you got to go to NYC for your birthday! Jealous that you go to go to NYC. SO jealous you got to see my favorite musical of all time. It is the only movie I went to see twice at the theater.

    Love you anyhow - oh, and really loved the sign

  2. Sounds like a fabulous 30th birthday! You make 30 look so good! If only I were 30 :)

  3. Happy birthday, Meg! I'm glad you had such a special birthday trip :)
    I'm intrigued by the breakfast burritos tradition- do tell more about that!
