Sunday, October 17, 2010

Apple Pickin'

Clearly, I'm not much of a writer. Part of the many reasons we keep a blog is so I can practice my writing skills, both grammatically and articulately. I've failed to mention a few things. Our last post was a little bare on the description of items and projects. The table, chairs and bench all came from the sweet family I help. They have a collection of things and one day we went 'shopping' in their house and yard. Which turned out to be a sweet reward because I had found a beautiful table and chairs set on craigslist we were going to buy but didn't have a way to pick up, so we had to let them go. All we had to pay for was some spray paint. Hello bargain!

Second thing I've failed to explain better was about our "situation". It seriously has been such a sweet experience reading my friends stories with infertility or our friends words of encouragement. I've been feeling ugly saying this has been a struggle because I don't think that's the right word. Although it's not been easy we recognize this is just part of our journey. It's just what we have to go through and it doesn't consume us or get us upset. Until of course, I hear news reports of mothers killing their children and seeing teenage girls pregnant and not understanding how precious it is to be able to bare that child. It's not something I understand at all and try not to question...

Spent Saturday doing some apple picking and enjoying the very windy day. It's officially cold and I need to buy some winter boots. Lord help me get through this cold.



Standard New England home...isn't it gorgeous?






He was trying to tempt me..



*some of you have asked.. I do not edit any of my photos on our personal blog. They are all SOOTC (straight out of the camera).


  1. cutest black shoes! i have some pointed ones just like them!

  2. Now a days, I feel that so few people understand the value, skill and talent that is takes to shoot SOOTC. I know you have so mad editing skills, but girl. . . you are a straight up talent behind the lens.
