Sunday, December 7, 2008

Just call us Martha

For the first time in a while I have been achin' for Christmas to get here so I can decorate! I haven't had a tree in a couple of years and this is the first for Cony and I to have 'our' tree. Christmas was almost forgotten last year since we got married only 10 days before.. But this year I started making ornaments weeks ago and last Monday Chay and I decided to have a craft day. I didn't go into work that day and we literally spent the entire day crafting things while watching sappy girl movies. Example: P.S. I love you. It was great. Although I still have some things left undone, I couldn't love my, I mean 'our' tree more.

Stockings I made out of felt. Very cheap.

Our first official ornament. 2007.

Our nativities.

This one my mommy made for us. One of my most treasured items.

I know this is random but these towels were our birthday gifts from my mom. She had them embroidered with a fork for Cony and spoon for me. Our nicknames for each other. I guess I should explain why we call each other by utensils. When we were dating and we would have a conversation through text messaging, I would say 'you are such a dork', but my phone always put it has 'you are such a fork'... it's one of those things. But I love these towels, most assuredly some of the best gifts we've gotten.


  1. ohhh i love your decorations! the stockings look adorable too!!!

  2. I will miss my nutmeg during christmas...luv u

  3. i love the christmas decor! :)

    Right now I have a Canon Rebel xsi, while I'm learning. It's a great camera though! I recommend it!

  4. Hey ... you guys are so cute ... And I just noticed your friend Jennifer - above noted that she has a canon rebel xsi and I just bought one last week at Costco. However, I am learning just like her - but so far - I love it!!

  5. Fantastic job!! This is probably the first year we aren't using my handmade ornaments that I made in college... just because our tree is too 'wimpy' to hold any weighted ornaments, it just droops. Think I'll need a fake tree and then get cracking making ornaments for next year.

  6. so cute... your christmas stuff is so cute!
