Sunday, November 23, 2008


Yes, I'm a huge fan of the Twilight series. I was one of those people who went to see it at 12 a.m. showing on Friday. Cony has not read any of the books and probably won't. However, he has been getting girls (teeny poppers-or young college girls) asking to have their photos with him and compliment after compliment saying he looks like Edward. Seriously, I have lost count at this point at how many times... So this morning we were late for church but I found myself not being able to walk out the door without having my hair done, because I do not want to be one of those girls where others are wondering how I got such a good looking guy. You know the type? I'm ashamed to admit it but I have wondered that myself with a few couples. While thinking this, I realized I'm getting a slight complex. (Please note, I do not say these things looking for compliments or such words of ALL!)

But since reading the book I always felt Cony was my Edward. I would without a second thought become immortal to be with him.


  1. I must tell you, I thought your husband looked like that guy right when I started seeing commercials for the movie! Since the actor's been all around so much lately, whenever I go to your blog, that thought goes through my mind. Anyway, you're beautiful.

  2. cony really does look like him, they have the same bone structure! how crazy!!!

  3. He does look a lot like the guy that plays Edward! Lucky you. ;)

  4. He does look a lot like the guy that plays Edward! Lucky you. ;)

  5. What's the difference between being immortal and having an eternal marriage?

  6. Ok Ms. Smartie Pants Sallie, you know what I mean. I was trying to make a point. ;)

  7. That is kind of frightening.. Wow, he does look exactly like him! The last picture, you could havae told me it was him and I wouldnt have known the difference! Yikes!

    Sidenote, I think we'll be moving to charleston in the next year, can i persuade you to come visit if I do? :)

  8. Well, you know I always thought Cony looked like Brendan Fraser, and I was just talking with someone last night about how that guy from "Twilight" looks like him, too. So it only makes logical sense . . . :)

    And I don't really care that you don't want affirmation, you're going to get it, anyway. I think you're B-E-A-Utiful!

  9. So... the last picture is or isn't Cony???

    If it isn't, then he looks exactly like him. Crazy either way!

    I haven't even seen the movie, but that doesn't change the Metcalf coolness factor in the least!

  10. Wow. He does look like that guy. I had never even heard of Twilight until this week. Haaa. Everyone was talking about it on Facebook and I had no clue. The tabloids may be talking about a new "mystery woman" soon if they catch you walking around with him too much. (-:

  11. How funny, he does!....well I have a crush.....on Edward that is! He is a hottie in a weird way-the pale face freeked me out a little!

    good movie though and I didnt read any of the books!

  12. Holy crap! I never saw it until that thrid picture. That is nuts!
    I can't quit laughing out of sheer shock. Anyway, luckily for us Ms Smarty Pants Sallie is right. We can be together forever. No blood drinking but no sparkles in the sun either.

  13. When I saw that first pic, I was like, when did Megan dye her hair because I knew that was Cony... then I figured it all out. That is crazy! And missy, you are absolutely darling, you have no need to fear being anything but his beautiful companion!

  14. Cony does look alot like him! Yikes meg you got yourself a star! HA HA That is hilarious about girls walking up and having their picture taken with him. At least you know people still think he's good looking!

  15. Loved it !!! I have seen it 4 times now !!! I love all the detail and length in the books but I adored the movie too !! And yes, Cony does kinda look like Edward!!

  16. kinda creepy... but not in a bad way creepy...

  17. Oh my goodness... I just saw Twilight, which was great. I totally saw your hubby in this actor. You are lucky :). Just thought I'd share. Have a great day.

  18. That's so cute. I have often thought to myself how I got my husband as well. Maybe it's just a chick thing.

    Anyway congrats on your anniversary!

    PS I would totally become immortal for mine too.

  19. Yes, he totally does look like Edward. And you are just as beautiful as he is. Same league Megan! Thanks for the Christmas card, it brightened my day and its on my fridge! :)
