Monday, November 10, 2008

Not much..

I hate when I think of a clever title for my post and forget it. Forgetting happens way too easily for me. Is it possible to get Alzhemier's at 28?

I love Halloween. Maybe because it's right before my birthday, or the time of year. I don't know but I love it. So when it was mandatory to dress up for Halloween I was thrilled! I didn't win the contest however I have a goal to win it next year!

I realize it's late but wanted to share my $.99 Halloween decoration we made.. I call it the 'Spider Tree'.. original I know.

It's been an emotional week. I turned 28 and that day was not easy for a couple of reasons. Mostly because mom called me and sang me Happy Birthday and it hit me that dad wasn't singing along with her. It brought up a lot of emotions that I was not expecting. I have some really great friends that cheered me right up. Even if they didn't know I needed the cheering. We got home from dinner and the house was decorated and filled with all my favorite people. Not only was that a surprise but so was my cake... the best birthday cake anyone has ever made me.

I also feel that Satan has been working over time on Cony and myself. Will we ever make it to the temple? I have hope that we will make it but we are both fighting our own demons and hopefully we will come ahead together. Through all my unstable emotions I feel very fortunate to have him in my life. We have a love that I feel some won't ever experience in life. Clearly we aren't perfect and I hope it hasn't seemed like I'm painting that type of picture.

Speaking of pictures, on Sunday we went on a walk on a secret trail that I found and it was gorgeous. It was a perfect way to spend the Sabbath.


  1. Isn't Satan annoying that way. lol

    I'm sure you'll get there. :)

  2. babydoll,
    i'm so sorry you're having a hard time. i love you tremendously. please do not hesitate to call if you need to talk.

  3. What a GREAT looking halloween costume! And......a belated Happy Birthday. Sorry I missed your party, but I wasn't invited. ;-)

    It's been too long since you've been to my house for Sunday dinner. What do we need to do to change that? I've still got Jordan's birthday pinta and we need to do that.

  4. Happy belated Birthday to you!

    Hang in there and keep moving. I'm waiting for someone to go through the temple right now and at times it feels long, but slow progress. I often wonder why to some it seems so easy, but then again...what makes people amazing is what they go through and/or overcome, right? At least that is what makes a good movie. (-:

    Enjoy your week and cute forest walking pictures!

  5. Look lady, I totally know how you feel about the temple thing. And YES, you will. And YES, Satan will do everything in his power to make it not happen. You just have to defeat him and kick his sorry BEEP to the ground. Even if it's not a year, it's okay- you will get there in the Lord's time and when it is right for your family. I wasn't expecting for there to be 3 of us when we got sealed but it was wonderful! You can do it! Lots of love and luck.

  6. Halloween is a great time! I equate it to Grandma's costume closet and all the fun costumes. However, now I am totally lame and just threw on a witch hat this year. I am so happy to see you still are dressing up and enjoying it! Awesome.

    Don't worry, I think I started my memory loss much younger than 28 - you still have your youth! :)

    It must be hard to keep having 'firsts' without your Dad. Niels & I look forward to meeting the love of your life sometime. In the meantime, take care!

  7. Happy, happy birthday! Fall is my favorite season.

  8. You are so cute all dressed up !! And YES - you and Cony will make it to the temple !! Life is difficult and marriage is hard but sooooo worth it ... esp a temple one !! I love you girl ... if you ever need to talk ... Call me !!

  9. Best of luck with everything Megan. you are such a sweetheart & I can tell that you and Cony are so happy together. Satan will put stumbling blocks in your way, but Heavenly Father has more power than Satan. So keep Him first in your life & it will all work out. Love you & I have many great memories of you and your sweet smile & personality from our days together at the BC. I'll keep you in my prayers.
    Suzie Miller Paul
