Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Force of Nature...

I have just now found time to catch up. And that's only because I'm currently on a teleconference for 2 hours at home.. and I'm bored. This past weekend was crazy. I'm not sure how I survived... but we did.

It all starts with me flying to Chicago for a meeting on Thursday. It was great fun. First time there and wasn't anything what I expected. Didn't know what I expected but I LOVE Chicago. I met a new friend from Nashville and we kept each other entertained during the (boring) meeting. Stayed at the Drake Hotel and I had a driver from the airport which was a first for me. I felt so foolish. Also met up with Nate and Erin for dinner. What did we eat? Chicago Deep Dish Pizza! I didn't think I was going to like it because of all that cheese, but holy cow is was yummy. I ordered enough to bring some home for Cony but I forgot it and I'm still really bummed! Friday night I stayed with my cousin Alma and his beautiful wife and son. I have really good memories of my cousins when we were little so I love seeing them all grown up with their own families. In brief, I walked a lot around on Michigan Avenue (the Miracle Mile) and also walked to the Navy Pier.

Okay so while I was still in Chicago, Cony's mom and sister flew in from Texas to surprise him for his 25th birthday. He wasn't expecting it all so I would call the secret a success. I have only met them once in Texas so I'm happy they were able to come see how we live and love each other. I also had another surprise up my sleeve for Saturday night. Some of the plans for the afternoon got canceled so he knew something was up. However, he thought it was a surprise party at the house after we had dinner because he saw me leave a key under the mat. Him seeing me worked to my advantage because when we decided to go ice skating and all of our buddies were there, it threw him off. It really tickled me pink that everyone had such a great time ice skating.

I love this picture cause you can see Laura beatin' up Cony for tripping her!

Sunday mom and Hanna came to church with us. Which worked out so perfectly because during sacrament there was a special Restoration program that taught a lot about the church. We had Heather Smith take some family pictures after wards that I can't wait to see.. mostly because I don't believe they have any family pictures.. so it's going to make for a nice Christmas present. :)

We also spread my dads ashes in Dahlonega. It was a beautiful spot and know he is pleased. I'm still learning often why it is that dad needed to go. I miss him terribly and still have the 'what-if's' and question my character from the past.. But one good thing that is happening from this is that our relationship with our half-siblings is blooming. I hate that it couldn't happen when dad was around physically, but I believe there is always a reason for things. I have hope that the reasons will open themselves up in the future.


  1. Cony just barely turned 25???

    Crazy... I guess I just assumed he was somewhat older than I am...

    Well, I guess he's just even cooler now. Haha!

  2. Didn't you just love Chicago. I lived about 30 minutes West of Chicago. We went there all the time. In fact, if we go to a museum or a show, we go downtown Chicago. I see you went to Millenial Park. Isn't it great! I could go on and on, but I'm glad you had fun. Again, as I have said before you look so happy. I am so glad that you were blessed.

    Until next time.

  3. Wow -- you've been busy!

    I must say, I LOVE Chicago, too! And I LOVE the pizza! I wasn't expecting much when I went, either, I guess because I had never had a huge desire to go. But when I got there, I felt completely at home. It's a wonderful place!

    And you and Cony look wonderful! Wonderful and happy!

  4. I love Chicago hubby grew up there and we've been there many times. Did you get to eat the chicago style pizza...way YUMMY! Looks like you are doing great!
