Thursday, December 18, 2008

ONE big weekend.

Lots of celebration been goin' on in the fam. Most importantly Clark graduated from Southern Poly; something to do with Engineering. It was a proud moment and know that Dad was with us.

And Cony and I celebrated our big One year. We kept it pretty low key- in fact we didn't even buy presents for each other. We just loved each other and spent the weekend in a really nice hotel and did NOTHING. It was just what the doctor ordered. Try it sometime.

I was on the hunt for a picture of me as a baby with my dad as Santa Clause. Didn't find it, but found these instead. I have very fond memories of Christmas growing up and can't wait to make those same type of memories with our kiddos. When we have them of course.


  1. Megan - you were the cutest angel I've ever seen!

    However, I am hard pressed to believe that you spent the weekend in a nice hotel and did NOTHING! I know you better than that.

    Congrats to Clark!

  2. OH MY CUTE! I love old family photos. I love that you made your own ornaments - who does that? heehee. Your life looks beautiful.
