Wednesday, September 18, 2013


With the season change approaching, we both find ourselves missing New England in the most terrible way. Who am I kidding? We've been missing it terribly from day one. However, we are adjusting to our life back in the South and being parents of two. When it comes down to it, the last year has been rough... and it feels good to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

I started working on Saturdays a few weeks ago with a company called ShutterBooth and so far I love it. I get to be the highlight of weddings and I feel blessed to have found a job that allows me to work one day a week. 

Our girls are growing before our eyes. Olive woke up one day last week from a nap and suddenly she had hair! Madelyn has suddenly grown out of her shoes and talking so much more. "My show" and "Curious George" are among some of her new favorite phrases while holding the remote. She loves books that encourage us to be animated and has a fond affection for a set of tiny princess books we were given. When we take walks in the morning, she stops every 2.3 seconds to examine everything. Curiosity at it's finest. 

The last two days we've been cooped up in the house trying to recover from colds. Before I could wipe her nose clean- she took the initiative to do it herself by hand then proceeded to clean her hand off on ME. Disgusting in every possible way, yet hilarious because how did she learn that? (Probably the husband.)  When I have both of them hanging on me- either crying or snuggling- I'm in awe we get to be their parents. We love them so...


  1. Love the pictures of the little feet over the bathtub. How cute! Olive has such big bright eyes! How adorable your girls are!

  2. Love the picture of M's little feet over the tub. And Olive's eyes!! Such beautiful girls!!

  3. Great pictures, Meg! I'm Heather and I have a question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com I would greatly appreciate it!
