Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Two Months with OCM

 Our little O is starting to show her happy personality. She's giving us a break from her stubborn-will cry until she's purple- personality (no one is surprised by her stubbornness). She weighs 13.8 pounds and 24.5 inches long which puts her off the growth charts and Cony couldn't be more pleased. She's wearing size 6 months clothing comfortably... I have a feeling our girls will be wearing the same size sooner than thought possible. Maddie loves to find Sister and give her hugs and kisses with the occasional smother- so far she doesn't seem to mind it. 

We feel so blessed we get to be her parents. Hopefully she feels the same about us later in life. The last few weeks my mother has been unloading all my childhood toys & clothes in our house and I'm not sure who loves them more... me or M3. Mom also has given me my childhood photo albums which has prompted me to read the journal she kept for me since before I was born. It's fun to read how I still have the same habits and loves. We are so lucky to have these treasures in our home! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh precious little girl! I just want to nibble on those toes! :)
