Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day with Tummy Mummy

For the last two weeks, everyone I come in contact with tells me I must be ready to "POP" at any moment. So much so, I'm ready to pop someone myself. I'll blame it on my hormones. I have to say that the last four weeks of this pregnancy have brought on symptoms no one told me possible. Before, anytime someone would complain about being pregnant, I seriously wanted to punch them in the face (can I blame that on hormones too?). Yet, here I am trying my hardest not to complain and feeling a little sorry I ever wanted to punch someone in the face. All I have to say is growing a human out of food is hard. 

Two weeks ago our Tummy Mummy randomly texted to tell me they wanted to come down for the night. A few things that make me happy about that sentence... 1) Love they know they are welcomed 2) Love they WANT to come and spend time with us. It was a rainy day so we spent the day at a bounce-house and playing around inside. I've said it once and I'll keep saying, we couldn't be more grateful to consider them family. 

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