Tuesday, May 28, 2013

18 Month Firecracker

Today Madelyn turns 18 months old. Our birth mom couldn't have nicknamed her better because she truly is a Firecracker. We were able to save a little to make a very short trip to Mexico Beach, FL this past weekend and we all couldn't get enough of it. At first M3 wasn't sure what to think about the sand because she's so worried about what's in between her toes. Thankfully it didn't take long for her to get over it and start digging in. We're hoping next time we go our hotel won't have to be so ghetto and we can stay longer. I will have to say though, it worked out great we only stayed a short amount of time because being in the sun all day Saturday just about put me into the ER. The sun unfortunately has never really been my friend. 

When we saw the sign for a BBQ joint named 'Austin's Smokin Butt Hut' we had to turn around and eat there immediately. It turned out to be a really sweet surprise and not just because the food was amazing. The owner sat with us and we chatted about God, adoption and the evils of the world. He recently retired from the Sheriff's department and was adopted himself at 16 months old. We're tickled we stopped!


  1. It's a complete coincidence that I messaged you at the same time you posted this. Love all of the pictures. You look AMAZING! And what a cute little story about the smokehouse.

  2. yes, I agree! You look amazing and that Madelyn is one photogenic child. She looks like she had too much fun but I am so sad that you ended up in the ER. People love you, I actually ran into someone here that had friend in your old ward and said how much everyone loved you.

  3. seeing you with a baby belly makes me SO happy! You are such a beautiful mom! Seriously. such an inspiration.

  4. Love these photos of a beautiful family! I so have to eat at the smokin' butt hut! And while your hotel might have been ghetto, the stretch of beach you are on looks heavenly! Can't wait to see a blog post on Olive's arrival! :)

  5. You look so amazing! I love that pic of M3 running. You are a great photographer! I think I would have went back to go to that restaurant too! :)
