Friday, April 12, 2013

Pregnancy & Fears

I've felt comfortable talking about our infertility and how we got pregnant but have been hesitant to talk about the pregnancy itself in fear of hurting those who are still struggling with infertility (which is something I do not take lightly). But I'm done being hesitant only because if I don't document this journey, who will? Monday I hit 28 weeks, which means I'm in the third and final trimester. I've really enjoyed being pregnant and still am! Don't get me wrong- it ain't no walk in the park but just being able to have this experience is something to cherish (the good, the bad and the ugly). 

Last week while I was still recovering from being sick and nursing Maddie to health from the flu, my worst pregnancy nightmare came to life when I was in a car wreck. My sister was in the passenger seat while Jordan and Maddie were in the back. I'm trying to come to peace about the situation so I won't go into great detail. The short version consist of me getting hit by a woman who was in a lane too early. Both Jordan and Maddie were upset about the ordeal and walked away with seatbelt marks on their necks. Couldn't be more thankful nothing more serious happened. Cony drove me to the ER later to be monitored for most of the evening and hearing her heartbeat was music to our ears, especially since I hadn't felt her kick for a while and had minor cramping. Since learning I was pregnant driving has been my least favorite thing to do. I have my personal reasons as to why and the night of the accident I was a complete basket-case. A week later I'm still recovering and conquering that fear.... because life must go on. 

She has picked up a new cheesy "I can do no wrong" smile. And I'm not 100% certain how she learned to kiss because she comes at you with her mouth wide opened ready to slobber all over your face. I didn't think it was possible, but she just keeps getting yummier and yummier. 


  1. Megan, I'm so glad that everyone was ok. I was rear-ended when I was pregnant with Gage (about 2 weeks to go). When I got out of the car, the other drive started to panic (and rightly so).

    I totally understand about your sensitivity. When our miracle finally came our way, I was so thrilled but didn't want to offend others that were still waiting for their miracle. But everyone still wants to share in your joy!

    Your girl is such a cute girl! I think Jenna would love love to play with her.

  2. Oh gosh, that's scary! I'm so glad you're all okay. You look amazing.

  3. Post away my friend! Those people in your life who love you, whether they are struggling with infertility or not, will be thrilled beyond measure to hear your stories. We love you and I am just so indescribably glad to see you with a belly!!

    Also, relieved to see that everyone is okay after the accident. :)

  4. So glad you are safe after the car accident. It's so fun to see your cute belly. Maddie is getting so big, and of course she deserves a "I can do no wrong" smile after all her cuteness. :) Love to you.

  5. So glad y'all are ok! You look fabulous!

  6. Megan, so glad to hear you and everyone else is okay! Especially the bun in the oven. :) I love hearing about your pregnancy. It's uplifting and wonderful and after reading about your battle with infertility, it's such a wonderful reminder of the joys in life that Heavenly Father gives for others to share. I really feel that.

  7. So scary! Glad all is well. You look gorgeous by the by!! 28weeks looks fabulous on you!

  8. Whew! So scary. So glad all is well. 28 weeks looks fabulous on you! Such a beautiful preggo lady you make!,

  9. I know exactly how you feel... Just because a miracle came our way doesn't mean we don't remember the heart ache and struggles of infertility as clearly... We know what our sisters (and brothers) are going through... I had some if my 'infertility buddies' not be able to stay in touch with me after my pregnancy with Grey and it hurt, but it was what they needed...but several of them found hope in my story and that is why i had to let go of 'survivor's guilt' and allow myself to fully feel the joy in the blessing i had been given! You are fully deserving of the joy in your life and let others find hope through your journey! You were brought this way for a share away!!! Xoxo, tammie
