Sunday, March 24, 2013

This Girl is on Fire

I don't know what has happened this week but our baby girl is quickly turning into a child. She communicates more (words AND sign language), whines more, jumps more, climbs more and loves on us more. She's become obsessed with dogs and will wake up in her crib with her high pitch "ruff ruff" call. "Moo and Ruff Ruff" are her favorite and we're working on "Meow and Quack".  Although she's giving us a run for our money, she's our bliss. 

Believe it or not, Madelyn isn't the only one in this household. Shocking, I know! For the last three months Cony has been working as an electrician and hated every moment of it. We look back on it now as a huge blessing for many reasons but mostly to know for certainty he indeed does not want to be an electrician for life. He got a full time job that uses his degree in downtown Atlanta. The commute isn't awesome- however, he found a commuters bus he takes and either reads or sleeps on his way down. So far so good! 

The last few months haven't been easy but we are still alive and happy and more importantly grateful for our trials that help us become better. 


  1. Well it's great to hear that things are starting to pick up for you guys. They announced that the Metcalf crew is on to clean this week just so you are aware. Also, they just shuffled ward boundaries and a lot of people are leaving Ashford, so you aren't missing to much anymore. Well, Halley and I miss you and hope some day to catch up again in person.

    John-Mark & Halley Edmonds

  2. It was great talking with you today. And I Love, love, love the pictures of Maddie. She gets more beautiful every day. So very glad to hear that Cony doesn't have to be an electrician any more. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. She looks SO grownup! And it is crazy for me to think that she is younger than my twins. She looks like so much fun!
