Friday, October 12, 2012


Fall here has been wonderful. Rainy, but wonderful. I had the opportunity to photograph a very intimate wedding on Saturday in Vermont. It was lovely in every way. It's late in the season for the leaves so I missed the deep red and orange leaves but it was still beautiful. 






We met up with some friends yesterday and caught these images of our Little Lamb. We're obsessed with her yumminess. She's walking longer and longer and getting stronger and stronger. She also loves to point her little square finger at us and we just touch our finger to hers. She gets a good kick out of it. I'm starting to get a complex because she's been "talking" for a while and she still won't say Mama. She's got Dadda, Dad, Da, and Pa down with no problem. I'm not giving up though! 


I adore this image Cony captured of the two of us. Adore. 


  1. My home state! Missing fall in my favorite place <3

  2. I don't think I can say it enough: Your pictures are so good! I love them; I really do. I love that you pay so much attention to good lighting and bright colors. Your photos make me feel happy, and honestly, I think art should uplift people. Yours does. Even if it's just pictures of leaves. You're just so talented!


  3. Sara! Thank you soo much for you sweet comment. Made my heart happy. :)

  4. Oh my!! The pictures of your little lamb are just scrumptious! And you should definitely frame the one Cony took. It's too precious! Seriously, following your blog just always leaves me with a smile on my face and a heart full of warmth! Ü
