Monday, October 22, 2012

Head of the Charles

There was a time when rowing did my body good. Now rowing does my heart good. I'm a little embarrassed to say that this is our third autumn here in New England and this is the first year we've made it to the Head of the Charles. It was exactly five years ago that Cony and I visited Boston for the first time and yesterday was Madelyn's first time visiting. Hearing the coxswains yell, watching the shells swiftly move across the water brought us back to a time in our life that we cherish. We cherish it for many reasons but mostly because that's when we fell in love and gained lifetime relationships. 

















I've had on my mind a lot the last week about Madelyn and how I want her to know without a doubt Heavenly Father knows her and loves her and hope she strives to have a relationship with Him. So I taught the Young Women yesterday at church and we talked about prayer because I know that's the best way to gain that relationship. Although we have experienced our very own miracle, we still go through times when we just say words and have no feeling behind those words. We've been patiently waiting for confirmation on a few things and it's been a struggle waiting. We feel our life is in complete limbo. However, I was reminded yesterday that sometimes the Lord allows us to struggle for our own good and we should be thankful for the struggling moments. That hit me pretty hard because dang it- haven't we struggled long enough all ready??? It was a humbling experience... I got most of my lesson from this talk and video

1 comment:

  1. I love your posts. They have a depth and a perspective that enriches me. I personally needed this post, as well as your video and talk that you used for your lesson. Remembering that the Lord is answering our prayers in his time and allowing trials to shape and form us while we wait is such an effort for me. Again, I love who you are, your little family and how much I have learned from you.
