Friday, August 17, 2012


This summer has been jammed packed with activities for the youth from church. I'm just sorry I haven't been able to participate in most of them but I was however able to attend a Young Women's Conference in Mass last weekend. Sister Dalton the General YW President came and I left with my tank full. Full of inspiration and new motivation. Since it was our stake that was in charge of the conference she came on Sunday as well and we had the chance to meet with her personally and give her a little token (a gold oak leaf- which is CT state tree- thanks to Afton for being sooo genius!). She is truly a woman of God and takes her role with a heart full of song. 

Funny side story. I've been in desperate need of a new phone cover for a while and have had my eye on a Kate Spade case. Didn't feel right about having a "Kate Spade" case for whatever reason....until of course I noticed that Sister Dalton had the exact one I wanted. So yes, I've got meself a new "Kate" case.

I couldn't help myself on Saturday watch every girl that was there and think "mmm will Madelyn be shy like her? Or will she have a big personality like that girl?". Of course we all have hopes and dreams for our children, but I never thought I'd have so many. Even though I will love her no matter what- I can't help but hope that she can make it through life without any heartache. I'm not naive to the fact this is not possible, especially with crazy parents like us.  

This is Maddie's favorite thing to do in her room, open up the doors and play with the blankets. She also tries to climb in.


She LOVES that bunny! For the last week or so it's all she carries with her.

Have I mentioned that Baby Girl is now standing? Everyday she stands longer and longer. We honestly wouldn't be surprised if she just skipped walking and went right to running.


Her second tooth is coming in....

and she pulls herself up to a stand... or squat.

Lately, I haven't been able to get enough of Connecticut and its beauty.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I have a feeling that MMM will be excellent at hide and seek.
    2. I don't think I've ever seen that much of Cony's tattoo. Crazy! =P
