Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Baby's Room

I've dreamed of being able to decorate a nursery for longer than I like to admit. It's honestly a dream come true. This room took on a mind of it's own and although it's nothing (nothing!) what I originally planned, I still love it because it's ours and everything in it has a story. 

The fabric -which was the inspiration, I found at a large tag sale the morning we found out about the possibility of adopting. I saw it, fell in love with it and had to have it. Little did I know there was an actual use for it coming our way. 




Art pieces handmade by two awesome friends!

The round pink pillow was my baby pillow and although you can't see... my name and birthdate are hand stitched by my Mummy. 

We live in a home that's over a hunded years old. Closets are a treasure around here and I came up with this idea for her clothes (since there is no closet in her room). I would like to point out that *I* cut the wood, painted AND hung the poles all by my lonesome. 

One of my favorite things is the kite hair bow holder our friend Jenn made. Have I mentioned how much I love handmade gifts? Which reminds me... most of the blankets/quilts you see on the bottom shelf were all handmade that I truly treasure. 

Baby Blessing dress & bonnet made by my Mummy. 


I have a thing for hearts which I thought was a perfect "theme" for our babies room because there is SO much love that surrounds adoption. 


This was my tea set when I was a baby girl that my Granny Joan made me. Some of my earliest memories are of me playing hard & a lot with this set which is evident with the missing pieces. 

I love these books. Charity knew how much I loved them and got my closest girlfriends together and they each sent me one individually. One of the sweetest things.....


Baby has way too many clothes for her (my) own good. 


Close up of fabric. 


Can't forget to show the cello. We have too many high hopes for this girl. Olympian, prodigy in cello and piano, and way too many other things...


  1. Can I tell you how much I *love* that both of our inspirations came from fabrics we found at Tag Sales in Connecticut?? How amazingly beautiful is that. My quilt above the crib gave me all the colors, and finishing it is the love added to the wall... I love this room. I LOVE the window treatment/cornice boards. Love Love Love them. Love it all, Mae Mae!!

  2. PS I love how the hearts above the crib turned out!! I'd love a mini version of it if I ever have to design a pink room - just sayin.

  3. Ok, I feel like I'm looking at a beautiful Pinterest room that doesn't really exist in an actual home. (-: So beautifully designed, perfect, but in a pleasant liveable way. Does that make sense? So awesome!

  4. This is such a lovely room! Really -- of all the nurseries I've ever seen, this takes the cake. You should think about submitting it to some sort of design magazine -- with a wonderful adoption story like yours AND such an incredible sense of style, it's a double whammy. I KNOW a publisher somewhere would love, love, love to publish it. Seriously think about it!

    Finally, I just love your style. It's so beautiful. :)

  5. It's beautiful Megan! You are very talented. Now if I could only find a money tree so I could hire you to do my house!

  6. Everything is so beautiful! I think I might higher you to decorate our future child's room! Ü
