Sunday, February 26, 2012

Don't Wait

We've been in a slump the last few weeks for various reasons (too precious to share with my mama, much less with the world wide web), but today was one of those days that helped my soul see the light. I've been making a point to read or listen to my scriptures every morning before anything else gets done and what a difference it has made in how I feel about myself, my life, my journey, my husband, my challenges, etc.. Today at church a member of the stake presidency came to our ward (congregation) and he is a powerhouse speaker. He doesn't use notes when he speaks and it felt like he was literally speaking directly to me and left me in awe. He surprised us in Young Women's and gave a little spiritual thought that went right alone with our lesson of "Finding Joy in Womanhood" and quoted President Hinckley.... "don't wait to be great!!". It spoke to me since I've been thinking of all the things that have changed and the things that I've learned in the last few weeks. For so long I've been hunting down something that would fill the emptiness in my heart and give me reason to be great. Nothing was ever good enough or I felt I wasn't good enough for one reason or another. Everything I tried to accomplish seemed to leave me more empty. 

However, it dawned on me the other day while comforting Madelyn, being her mother is the role I've been searching for and hoping to play for many many years. I love being her mother and the responsibility that it comes with, including the lack of sleep. I feel so honored that we were trusted with such a miracle.  My friends who are struggling  with infertility, I'm sincerely praying for you and think of you every day and can't wait until your miracle comes. Because I know one is coming when the timing is perfect for you. 





Gracie sniffing the naked subject. 

We put up the new chandelier in the nursery and I love what it does to the lighting. The nursery is almost complete! While talking with one of my favorite ladies, she mentioned that her home is a museum of her life and I instantly fell in love with that phrase. Since so many memories are being made in our home, I'm anxious to document our home in photos to help remember our life at this stage. Because there is much joy to remember! 