Tuesday, February 28, 2012

3 Months

Madelyn is three months old today and we can't remember what our life was like before she came into the picture. Madelyn is holding her head up really well and rolling over like she's done it the entire time.  She started sleeping in her own room last week and sleeps through the night 6 out of 7 nights and loves to gnaw on her hands.  She giggles just looking at us, apparently we ARE funny looking and I could sit there all day and listen to her. 









Gracie is finding her way in Madelyn's room every chance she gets and loves to lay on the rug like she's protecting Baby Girl. If she ain't the most adorable Old English Bulldog, then I don't know who is. And yes mother, I just used the word ain't!!!!! 


  1. This is the perfect time to use ain't! She's gorgeous and way ahead of my little boy. Maybe she can teach him to roll. =o)

  2. Madelyn is too cute for words! I just love that last picture of her about to bite Gracie's nose :)

  3. Such cute pictures. She looks so grown up!

  4. Simply adorable. I love her little spot on the back of her head. Her hair is growing like crazy! Jealous!Such a bright smile and aware eyes.

  5. You are so blessed. What a precious beautiful girl.

  6. So cute! I didn't know you were in New England! Shoot me an email and we'll catch up.
