Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Quick Like in a Hurry

I can't believe how times flies by and it's been almost a week since I last posted. Sorry for the lack of information but we have been approved by the state of Connecticut to leave South Carolina and we've been spending a few days with my mom and sister. It's been a real treat. The weather has been an amazing treat and part of me wishes Maddie didn't sleep so much so we could go on a walk... outside... in the middle of December. (It's 70 degrees outside today! CT friends, try not to be too jealous)

Madelyn still has her days and nights mixed up but I'm not going to lie, I love that Cony can get up in the middle of the night and help with the feedings. He's a champion diaper changer now too! 

We also were able to spend some time with the Other Megan and she captured our new little family perfectly. I knew what I wanted and she delivered!!

(Cony's nose may be smooched but I still cherish this photo)


  1. I'm happy to hear that mountain was climbed. I'm sure it was very stressful! I love the pictures of your cute family! Precious! And I love your haircut - you're looking fabulous (as always) :)

  2. Everyone looks so peaceful and beautiful. I love it. Congratulations on becoming a Momma!

  3. Glad you are able to spend time with your family! She sure is beautiful!

  4. What a beautiful baby! Congratulations you guys, I'm so excited for you.

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE ... and that is all I have to say!!
