Monday, December 19, 2011

My obsession

It feels so good to be home and in our own bed, which is ironic since I hated our bed before we left. We came home late Saturday night to find our home cleaned, bedding washed, Christmas decorations mostly up, new wreaths on our doors, Ikea furniture built, dinner in our fridge, fresh brownies on the counter, table set and a lovely welcoming home sign. It was the most awesome thing two ladies could have done for us!! I've said it before and I'll say it again.... we are surrounded by the best people EVER! Both in Georgia & Connecticut.

I've been documenting our life for the last few weeks on Instagram (and have barely touched my "nice" camera) and I'm obsessed. Feel free to come follow me... mrscony. 

Two extra bodies in the car made for a "comfortable" ride. 

New York, New York

We celebrated 4 years of marriage last Thursday and while mom babysat, we were able to enjoy a day at the newly renovated Atlanta Temple and eating some dessert at Cheesecake Factory. We also stopped in Anthro to buy our annual anniversary plate. 

It's hard to believe we have a 3 week old but it's been such a fun experience adjusting. Except when I've been a horrible witch. But we are in fact still adjusting to it all. 


  1. So, I love how there are three plates and three special glasses at the table. You must have a talented new born! Haaa. Cute photos and you do have good friends!

  2. I can't imagine you been a witch unless on Halloween ! So glad you are home and adjusting with the newest addition ! Love you ... Merry Christmas !
