Wednesday, December 28, 2011

1 Month Birthday

Today is not only my mom's 66th Birthday but Madelyn's 1 Month Birthday. Madelyn is a true delight! When she falls asleep after a feeding she's full of smiles and belly laughs. She's a happy baby and we adore her...she fits perfectly into our family.




Merry Christmas

We didn't have time to send out Christmas cards this year, but totally enjoyed getting them and hanging them in the kitchen. My entire family was in town and our first Christmas with Madelyn AND Gracie was truly magical. Can't wait to share more.... 


We hope you all were able to feel the love of the holidays and wish the new year brings many blessings your way. Miracles do happen! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

My obsession

It feels so good to be home and in our own bed, which is ironic since I hated our bed before we left. We came home late Saturday night to find our home cleaned, bedding washed, Christmas decorations mostly up, new wreaths on our doors, Ikea furniture built, dinner in our fridge, fresh brownies on the counter, table set and a lovely welcoming home sign. It was the most awesome thing two ladies could have done for us!! I've said it before and I'll say it again.... we are surrounded by the best people EVER! Both in Georgia & Connecticut.

I've been documenting our life for the last few weeks on Instagram (and have barely touched my "nice" camera) and I'm obsessed. Feel free to come follow me... mrscony. 

Two extra bodies in the car made for a "comfortable" ride. 

New York, New York

We celebrated 4 years of marriage last Thursday and while mom babysat, we were able to enjoy a day at the newly renovated Atlanta Temple and eating some dessert at Cheesecake Factory. We also stopped in Anthro to buy our annual anniversary plate. 

It's hard to believe we have a 3 week old but it's been such a fun experience adjusting. Except when I've been a horrible witch. But we are in fact still adjusting to it all. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Quick Like in a Hurry

I can't believe how times flies by and it's been almost a week since I last posted. Sorry for the lack of information but we have been approved by the state of Connecticut to leave South Carolina and we've been spending a few days with my mom and sister. It's been a real treat. The weather has been an amazing treat and part of me wishes Maddie didn't sleep so much so we could go on a walk... outside... in the middle of December. (It's 70 degrees outside today! CT friends, try not to be too jealous)

Madelyn still has her days and nights mixed up but I'm not going to lie, I love that Cony can get up in the middle of the night and help with the feedings. He's a champion diaper changer now too! 

We also were able to spend some time with the Other Megan and she captured our new little family perfectly. I knew what I wanted and she delivered!!

(Cony's nose may be smooched but I still cherish this photo)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Mountain that Must Be Climbed

We've been facing a mountain of a problem this week and I'm documenting it because it's part of our journey. In adoption there is a form called ICPC (Interstate Compact on the Placement of a Child) and every state has one that needs to be approved. Since we are residences of Connecticut we have to be approved by both ICPC offices in South Carolina AND Connecticut. SC had our paperwork in court by Wednesday morning last week and approved us within hours. They sent the form off to CT by Friday morning and we were really hoping to be in Atlanta by Friday night with family but Monday morning rolls around and we are told everything is looking good, go a head a pack up! So we did. 

I knew once 5:00 came around and we hadn't heard anything we weren't going anywhere. CT didn't feel they could approve us because of a few things that didn't make any sense. 1) They were concerned we didn't make enough money and didn't want us to come back to CT and get on government help (which if that was the case- we are tax paying citizens... why should it matter??). 2) They wanted to wait for the FBI clearance on Cony and only Cony. In CT it's NOT in the handbook that your have to have the clearance in hand before approval. This particularly didn't make any sense since Cony has been in the Navy and has had an FBI clearance that was more in depth. 3) They weren't sure why our agency (LDS Services) had a lawyer involved in our case. Since Madelyn was born in SC, by law in SC we have to finalize in SC and they need lawyers in order to make that happen. As of yesterday they even came up with the idea that they needed LDSS licensing in North Carolina since that's where the office is located, but it doesn't seem to matter that NC has NOTHING to do with our case. 

I will say as angry and upset as we were on Monday, I've felt a wonderful peace that things would work out. We fasted on Sunday and for the first time my prayer wasn't answering immediately which leads me to believe this is happening for a reason. We clearly have something to learn. Thankfully we were able to check out of our hotel room yesterday and move our little bumms to Aiken, where my sister-in-law's parents live. They have opened their home to us and it's been a HUGE blessing. Rachel's mama cooks these amazing healthy meals and I've never been more grateful for a home-cooked meal. She also made these "to die for" cinnamon rolls. I'm hoping she'll share the recipe so I can share with you.... worth every single calorie. 

Yes, this has been challenging but we figure it's just part of the process. A good friend of mine wrote me an email yesterday and she said:
"A Mother, a Father and a Baby;  mmmmm, the season brings our minds to another Mother, Father and Baby who were in the same place as you. 

This could be a very moving, special time with the Spirit.  Hope He spends lots of time with you all and brings you comfort."

I will attest that Heavenly Father is spending lots of time with us and we are humbled by our blessings and her perspective on our situation was enlightening. I'm just grateful we have a car instead....We have felt every single prayer that has been said on our behalf regarding this situation and again, we love the people in our life! 

Cony changing his very first diaper.