Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blueberries and Sunflowers

On Saturday we finally enjoyed a day doing things we wanted to and it was glorious. We picked 10 pounds of blueberries to freeze since we drink smoothies morning and night. Cony finally agreed to let me buy a Vitamix and it's changed my life. (And no, I don't exaggerate nor am I sarcastic.) Afterwards, we headed to a farm where they plant 14 acres of sunflowers each year and sell bouquets for $5 for the Make a Wish Foundation. It was a picture perfect moment. 




I also have a totally random story... When mom, Emily and Jordan were in town and while we were walking on the Freedom Trail (in Boston) I saw this young gentlemen with a t-shirt on that said:
 "Cranney Farms
Oakley, Idaho" 
It took me by surprise because we pretty much grew up in Oakley as kids and it seriously has less than 500 people in the town and is nothing but potato farms. I don't like to claim Idaho but I did have a wonderful childhood in a town with no stop light. So of course I had to say something to this guy and come to find out he was a BYU student (duh) in Boston campaigning for Mitt Romney (even bigger duh). He didn't know who the Cranney's were but all you Idaho peeps, tell the Cranney's their t-shirts made it all the way to New England and it gave the Tompkins' something to smile about while visiting from the South.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

No swimming?

Life right now seems to be in charge of us instead of the other way around. I'm surprised I haven't had a total mental breakdown. Oh wait. Maybe I have! It's not easy finding the balance in anything but in our attempt, we accepted an invitation to a birthday bash and found out the coast is only 32 miles from our house. People here say it's a beach, but I refuse. Because 1.) can't swim and 2.) there's more rocks than sand... but it was beautiful and relaxing and I'll take a warm sunny day at the coast anytime. 





This house was the "summer home" of someone (obviously really wealthy) and the state turned into a park. In the short time we were there, we saw two wedding parties. Have I mentioned how much I love weddings? 




What do y'all do to find the balance in life? Words of advice are appreciated. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Little Vaca

Last week was full of adventure with Mom, Emily and Jordan in town. We spent time touring New England and New York City, but mostly eating. I've never eaten so much cheese and gluten or ice cream in one week! But that's what vacation is for, right? 

We also spend time at the Pond Beach (aka Heaven on Earth). Cony even taught Gracie to swim but couldn't bring myself to document the sheer terror on her face. 



We had a small early Birthday celebration for Jordan with our favorite red heads that included, smores...




pretending to be Harry Potter... and of course laughs over eating Birch Beer Floats. 


Our 4th of July celebrations included the Boombox Parade in the Big Willi, 

(the Boom Box Parade has no live bands so everyone carries around a radio tuned to the local radio station that plays patriotic music)


enjoying a New England Jamboree, 

topped off with a relaxing hayride. 

Go UCONN Huskies! 

New York City was an adventure. Not just because it's New York City. Mom sprained her foot 3 weeks earlier and was in a boot. Walking was no option and taking subways you don't get to really see the city. So we rented a wheelchair which turned out to be great for a few reasons. 1) great work out 2) Jordan was able to stand on the back and we could move at a faster pace (he walks SO slow). Will I ever do that again? NO. Now mom, don't go thinkin' it ruined our day because it didn't. 

Jordan makes a great photographer. We weren't sure we were actually in the photo. I literally have 30 of me and Emily looking like this...

Big Piano. Huge hit. 

Got to see the Statue of FAO Swartz.

What NYC trip isn't complete without a tour through Central Park? I really didn't get my camera out much, but we visited the Manhattan Temple  and while walking on a random street ran into Alexis Bledel

We loved walking around Boston on the Freedom Trail and taking a small break to cool off. 


Cobblestone road in front of Paul Revere's home. 




We also took a moment to do a photo shoot on campus right after the Tooth Fairy found out Jordan lost his front tooth.  


We had a blast all week and can't wait til the next visit. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

One Down.

Today marks our one year in Connecticut. It's hard to believe. As much as I miss home, we adore our CT family. We're celebrating today by picking our real family up at the airport and spending a week rejuvenating together. I'm thrilled. 

photos below are from the Freedom Trail Run I told y'all about... 

This is the narrowest home in the city. Only 10 feet wide. Apparently the owner is renting it out on a week by week basis too.  

Did I mention we did this run right before the huge parade for the Bruins? If you live under a rock and didn't know the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup, now you do. And I have to say... it was one of the coolest mad house experiences ever. 

Until next time.... HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!