Monday, July 18, 2011

No swimming?

Life right now seems to be in charge of us instead of the other way around. I'm surprised I haven't had a total mental breakdown. Oh wait. Maybe I have! It's not easy finding the balance in anything but in our attempt, we accepted an invitation to a birthday bash and found out the coast is only 32 miles from our house. People here say it's a beach, but I refuse. Because 1.) can't swim and 2.) there's more rocks than sand... but it was beautiful and relaxing and I'll take a warm sunny day at the coast anytime. 





This house was the "summer home" of someone (obviously really wealthy) and the state turned into a park. In the short time we were there, we saw two wedding parties. Have I mentioned how much I love weddings? 




What do y'all do to find the balance in life? Words of advice are appreciated. 


  1. At the end of the day what os REALLY going to matter? Is my house spotlessly clean? Or did I take the time to have a quiet conversation with my daughters? Did I do EVERYthing on my list? Or did I snuggle my little boys? Did I get enough "me" time? Or did I do something nice to help some else along?

  2. ... i run the loop with my friend megan .. oh wait, uhh .. i run the loop ... err .. uhhh ... yeah ... no. :0)
