Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Truth about Yankees

I never thought I would say this in my lifetime... but these dam Yankee's are pretty amazing. I know, can you believe I just said that??

The members of our ward have shown us so much love and compassion and have made us feel right at home. Today I was brought to tears. Gwen (the woman who is SO much better than Martha) found us after church and said she had a little something in her car for us. I was thinking, "Yay! Fresh fruit or veggies". However, she took us back with giving us a 6 pack of Hosmer Mountain Birch Beer because Cony wasn't able to try it at the BBQ (it's like root beer but clear), a box of fresh picked apples and the newest Yankee magazine. I'm not sure which one I love more. The magazine has the top 25 towns to visit for the fall foliage and can not wait to visit these places.

It's almost like she knew that I was feeling a little beat down and needed a little pick-me up. See, it took all my energy this morning to get out of bed because I got the worse hair cut known to man yesterday. Ok, maybe that was a little dramatic.. but it's pretty darn close to being the worse. I'm talking, holes in my hair, completely UNeven and not at all what I asked for. If you are a man you won't understand this, but our hair is sacred and can affect how we feel about ourselves. I'm still unsure what to do. Do I call her and have her fix it? Do I ask for a refund because I can't afford to pay someone else to fix her mess? Or do I just shave my head?? And I'm seriously looking for some answers... please!!

Anywho.. let's go back to happy thoughts. The Sunday after we gave our talks back in August a gentlemen at church (whom I had never met) came early to give us a list of his favorite places to eat all around the state, a map of the state and a brochure on the biggest fair/carnival around.. the Big E. I was tickled pink. This is why we have a blog, so I can share these things but mostly so I don't forget the sweet moments in life.

If you look closely to the list of restaurants you can see he used a type writer. Simply adorable.


We needed to make dessert for our dinner date today, so what do you do when you just a received a box of apples? That's right, make apple crisp. Yum.


So there you have it folks. I not only live in Yankeeville, but am growing very fond of the people. I think it's like anywhere you go- depending if you live in the country or the city, you're bound to have different experiences with people. For us, right now, I'm grateful we live in the country.


  1. The big E was lots of fun when I lived up North!
    I've been living in AL for 2 years and JUST found someone to cut my hair the way I like it...
    But, still go to church 'online' and can count 1 friend... ONE...
    And I (we) have been looking and trying and praying...
    I can't imagine living here even one more year...
    You have made so much more progress!
    Miss you!

  2. Great post today, Meg. Sorry about the bad hair cut ;(
    Your apple crisp looks SO GOOD. . . Recipe? ((Hugs))

  3. hmmm I'd definitely ask for a refund, I don't think Id want the same person to touch my hair ever again!!! But I hope it all works out! And thats awesome that you love your ward!!! It sounds great. ps: were in the papermill ward now, were in the dunwoody area just off of roswell road right by the river. So there area bunch of ppl from the singles ward. Let us know when you come home to visit :)

  4. love the blog! makes me miss ya'll more and more! i'm so jealous those darn yankees get to have you all to themselves!

  5. I love this post! What thoughtful friends! I'm glad you got a pick-me-up after a bad haircut. I've had one before I literally cried!

    Keep up the posts! I love to read about your adventures!!

  6. It has made me a bit homesick for Maine reading your posts lately :) I hope you get to visit some "wicked awesome" spots this fall, the foliage is nothing short of spectacular!
