Sunday, September 26, 2010

Maple Cotton Candy= pure deliciousness

I believe here in New England, carnivals are taken seriously. Let's take the Big E for example. It's where all 6 NE states come together for 3 weeks and host a carnival/fair/4-H extravaganza! It's insaneo in the braino. Cony wasn't able to come (poor guy was sick and had lots of work to catch up on) but I went with our GA/CT friends. I ate all my weeks worth of calories and don't regret it a second and saw so many people- I don't know a word to describe how many.

I will probably not do it again. It's expensive and way too many people. However, I had a wonderful time with the friends and who doesn't love a carnival?


(Don't know who these peeps are...)



This was a really cool competition. Woman driving a wagon team and we ain't taking a beat up wagon, we are talking.. pimped out wagons!


This so should have won 1st place.. but got 7th! Really judges!?

Can you see all the people??? And this was just one small section..


Each state has a house with different vendors that represent what the state is known for and I learned a few things about Connecticut.. Lego's and PEZ were invented here. In Vermont's house, we tested some cheese of course AND tasted Maple Cotton Candy? Ever heard of it?? It's out of this world delicious.

Me and my 'creative hat' (at least that's how Cony refers to it) and our friends cute daughter. I'm glad I have friends who let me borrow their kids.

Don't you love her expression? Pure happiness.


Carnivals at night are the best!


These corn dog stands had 6", 12" and 18" long corn dogs. I wish I was kidding and wish I had taken a photo so you would believe me.



  1. Oh my gosh!! My husband is from VErmont and always tells me about the big E! His dad just went this weekend. what a small world!

  2. Meg, your pictures are AWESOME. You're getting so good with that camera of yours. Seriously. You have such a great eye. LOVE you. Come visit TX :)

  3. Sure beats the Cassia County Fair! Sounds like great weekend fun!

  4. Man, I wish the North Georgia State Fair was half this awesome!! I'm jealous! =P

    Thanks for sharing your amazing pictures!!
