Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just like Martha, but so much better

So I know I've mentioned it before but where we go swimming is heaven. The family that owns the home are pretty much the most amazing people and she knows how to do anything. They hosted a Labor Day BBQ on Monday and it was a slice of heaven.





Hosmer Mountain soda's are really big here in Connecticut and the warehouse is just blocks from our house. It's too bad we don't drink soda.




  1. Ok - it is really, really lovely. I'm feeling kind of jealous.

  2. Okay, seriously? This place looks amazing! I'm moving up there, pronto!

  3. Okay, seriously? This place looks amazing! I'm moving up there, pronto!!

  4. Megan,

    Sorry about barging onto your blog, but I just had to mention that Gwen actually went to school with Martha and has total disdain for her :) She thinks Martha is a snob! (I agree that Gwen is WAY better than Martha!)

    We should do lunch sometime if you are ever on campus visiting Cony. I'm just in the Arjona building (not sure where Cony is, but we could always meet up at the Student Union)!

    Becky Ortinez
