Thursday, September 9, 2010

Inspire & Uplift

I'm always on the hunt to find things that inspire me and uplift my spirit, because honestly sometimes it's easy for discouraging thoughts to consume me.

Lately I've been tapping into my love for design 'personality'. My goal was to make this apartment a place we could walk into and love. Especially since I spend a good amount of time here. I have lots of ideas still filling my brain and will share my projects as we go along, because this is my blog and I can do what I want.

I have a very strong testimony of making a house a home. A home should be your safe haven and a place that you can feel encouragement and inspiration. For me, I can't feel good about life if my house is not in order. I personally don't understand how people can live & function to their full potential in chaos. Period. My home affects me deeply. One of my favorite scriptures is in Doctrine & Covenants...
'Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God' 88:119

My new motto is 'Inspire & Uplift'. I'm doing away with things in my life that can't do either.

Today's project inspired by my new motto...





Please welcome my new favorite vintage item. Found this at another tag sale yesterday and grabbed it as quickly as I could.


  1. Well, look at you! You are just such a creative lady! I love all of your home decorating ideas! Everything's so light and bright and cheerful! Way to go!

  2. Can that really be vintage? My desks in high school looked like that. lol

  3. YOU inspire and uplift I think I'll keep you around :)

  4. I love love love that school desk! What a fantastic find!

    PS. I started following your blog :)

    Love, Vicki (& Josh in spirit of course)

  5. I LOVE that cork board! I may have to steal it. So nifty!
