Sunday, August 22, 2010

Please someone explain...

Here's the preview: A few weeks ago, Cony was boss and surprised me with concert tickets to Lilith Fair. He knows how much I love Sarah McLachlan and knew it would cheer me up! (but secretly I think it was his way of saying Thank You for sticking with me up here). The concert was for August 1st, which was a Sunday and it shocked me that he even considered it much less bought the tickets. The Sunday before we had just received our callings in church and we decided last minute to take a trip to Chicago & Nauvoo since mom, Emily & Jordan would be there on their way home from Idaho. We left Nauvoo for my uncles home in Indianapolis and left much later on Saturday than we planned and made a HUGE detour home. I mean so big that we said hello to Canada and didn't get home until 5:30 in the mornin'.
Regardless of the length and mishaps of the trip we had a wonderful time. I guess we had such a great time, we. forgot. to. go. to. the. concert! We didn't realize this until 2 days later. I wanted to cry for a few reasons but most of all I HATE to waste money. It makes me sick to my stomach. Thankfully we were able to brush it off fairly easily because we realized that we were finally getting our priorities in order and if it was somewhere we needed to be, we would have remembered.

But don't ya wanna cry for me?

Until I go into our trip to the Midwest here's me and my little Jordan man that I'm missing pretty badly today...


  1. You had tickets to Sarah and you missed it? Oh my heart breaks for you. Remember when the four of us went? There will be other concerts :)

  2. OH my ... I didn't realize all this fun stuff that is going on in your lives ... I just spent the last 20 minutes reading and catching up on your blog ... Northerner huh ?? Me too !! A West Coast California Northerner !! Hope you enjoy this new adventure ... sounds like a blast - love the pictures !! Love and miss you so much ... Take Care !!
