Saturday, August 28, 2010

Look what I can do Mommy!

I've been chomping at the bit to re-finish some pieces of furniture that we have that were my grandparents. They all need some love but I started with this dresser that my dad inherited. My intention was to paint this a soft buttery color but when I sanded it down, I couldn't bring myself to cover the beautiful wood. So I went with a classic 'bring it back to it's original state' look. high-gloss and all.

Thankfully I was able to get those darn stickers off the top drawer and fix some other wood problems it had...


I like to stain wood with a piece of cloth or a sock, which ever one I have around. This go-around I used one of Cony's socks, and even had latex gloves on underneath so that this wouldn't happen... attractive uh?


Another project I tackled this week...dots! I thought this would be a great way to soften the edges in our apartment and add some warmth & color. I'm tickled with how it turned out and it cost less than $20. Plus I have lots of fabric left over for another project!

Close up. I just got a bunch of embroidery rings and had some clearance fabric cut and put it together with some fabric I already had.


  1. Meg, that is simply adorable! You are so creative! Looks great!

  2. love the dresser and your "dots" - you're so talented! I'm guessing that you probably get it from your "adoptive mom" ;-)

    Love you!

  3. You are so talented, Megan!
    I would just like to have one of your talents.... I mean just to share one....

  4. Cute! I love those prints! I sometimes think about hanging fabric or paper that has an interesting pattern, but I've just never done it! It looks really good, though!

  5. Megan, it looks great. I am totally impressed with your dresser. That kind of project takes a lot of patience!

  6. Wow, that looks amazing!!! You are so talented!! The dresser is gorgeous, and I LOVE the dots!! What a great project idea :)

    You're so good!!
