Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sisterhood of the Traveling (something)

'the Sisterhood'

We finally did it! We finally went on a girls only trip that we have been planning for over a year. It was short but sweet. We headed down to St. Augustine, FL early Saturday morning and stayed late Sunday night. We planned to just stay on the beach all day both days, but of course it started to rain after we got there and had lunch. So we did a little shopping (none of us bought one thing!). Come to think of it, none of our plans were executed. Except for Sunday.. we did get on the beach and I thought the weather was perfect. Not too hot, but just hot enough to jump in the cold water every 30 minutes.

Charity, Emily and I went on a run, although Charity went and did her own thing. I know at least for Emily and me.. we had a great run! We saw a wedding, saw a purple star fish and the light after the storm on the beach was incredible. Emily wore some of my old shoes and couldn't walk the rest of the trip. Poor girl.

We did have a chance to walk around Historic St. Augustine and found the best fudge! During our walk, more like a hunt for food, a really cool lady called out to us.. "Look! It's the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"! It was funny since we planned to go see the movie that night and the town wasn't showing it.

All in all it was a great trip. Short, cheap and got a little sun.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE St. Augustine! My hub and I found this cute little cafe called the Bunnery, It's great, you should check it out next time!
